oowooo 8.6 million customers 106 local Rabobanks Rabobank Subsidiaries and associates QQWQQ 42% Z4>'^ Inhoudsopgave Bestuursverslag Corporate governance Jaarrekening Rabobank Groep Jaarrekening Rabobank Situation on 31 December 2015 of which 7.4 million are customers in the Netherlands Members 1.9 million members are involved with Rabobank. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mission Rabobank is dedicated to being a leading customer-focused cooperative bank in the Netherlands and a leading food and agri bank in the world. with 506 branch offices Density of network per region North Netherlands 26 local Rabobanks Central Netherlands 29 local Rabobanks South Netherlands 25 local Rabobanks West Netherlands 26 local Rabobanks Markets Mortgages Savings Trade, industry Food and agri and services (TIS) Payment Mortgages Insurance Asset management Partner banks transactions Obvion Achmea (29%) Robeco (11 Banco Terra (45%) MyOrder (95%) Banco Regional (39%) BPR (38%) NMB (35%) Wholesale Leasing Real estate International retail •Zanaco (46%) Rembrandt DLL (Athlon, Freo) BPD Europe B.V. ACC Loan Management Banco Sicredi (22%) (51%) Bouwfonds IM BGZ BNP Pari bas (7%) DFCU (28%) FGH Bank Finterra (20%) LAAD (8%) 316 Rabobank Jaarverslag 2015

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 317