E. Eisele, chairman
C. Nolting
J.B.M. Streppel
H. Copier MBA
P.C. Keur
G.S. Klein
FGH Bank N.V. is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Bayerische Hypo-
und Vereinsbank AG, and specializes
in the financing of commercial real
estate. FGH Bank offers its clients a
full range of financial and support
services and products, with real
estate as the common link. That is
why FGH Bank N.V. is the only
Dutch financial institution in the
Netherlands that can rightly call
itself the real estate bank.
As a hank specializing in real estate,
we have a clear role to play in the
development of the Dutch real estate
Our involvement is not restricted
to providing customized financing
for new construction and conversion
projects, investment loans and
short-term transactions. We also
participate actively in discussions
on regional planning and the merits
of public/private partnerships.
We consider that it is our job to
finance enterprise, not to deal in,
manage, develop or build real estate
ourselves. In order to continue
playing a dominant role in the
markets relevant to us, we need a
good understanding of enterprise.
This is also the reason for instituting
the biennial FGH Real Estate Award.
This prize has grown over the past
nine years to become the most
prestigious award for successful
entrepreneurship in the Dutch real
estate market. In 2000, this prize
will be awarded for the sixth time to
a successful project which combines
daring, vision and enterprise.
FGH Bank N.V. has opted for account
management: operating close to the
market, with a personal approach
which facilitates direct contact with
entrepreneurs. After all, even in the
national market many participants
may operate nationally or even
internationally, hut real expertise
must constantly be demonstrated at
local or regional level. Our bank is
represented in all major real estate
regions so that it can monitor
developments closely. With its
headquarters in Utrecht
and offices in Amsterdam, Arnhem,
The Hague, Eindhoven, Enschede,
Groningen, Rotterdam and
Maastricht, FGH Bank N.V. can boast
wide national coverage.
Internationally, FGH Bank N.V.
has for some time been part of
EuroExpert EIGG, a European network
of companies focusing on
real estate valuation. The aim
of this venture is the exchange of
knowledge and advice, the passing
on of assignments and possible
collaboration in loan transactions.
The EuroExpert partners are Drivers
Jonas of Britain, Foncier Expertise
of France and HVB Expertise GmbH
of Germany, also a subsidiary of
Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG.
There is also regular contact with
fellow financiers in Germany,
France, Britain and the United States,
for example for the syndication of
major financing projects.