Explanatory Notes Valuation Principles and Result General Determination Basis of Consolidation FGH BANK N.V. is a group company of AEGON N.V., registered in The Hague. The present financial statements have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions laid down in Book 2, Title 9 of the Dutch Civil Code,- The Decree governing Financial Statements prepared by Banks; The Decree governing Draft Financial Statements; and relevant recommendations made by De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. The company's financial statements are incorporated in the published financial statements of AEGON N.V., The Hague. A copy of these financial statements is available there. With effect from the 1994 financial year, amounts recharged to group companies in respect of personnel and other administrative expenses are no longer set off against these expenses but disclosed under 'Commission income'. The figures for 1993 included for comparative purposes have been restated to provide as accurate a view as possible. All figures are expressed in thousands of guilders, unless otherwise stated. The group financial statements include the figures for FGH BANK N.V., its subsidiaries and group companies, but do not include the results of those companies which together only make a very minor contribution to the overall result nor do they include the results of those companies that are only retained with a view to disposal. Proportional consolidation has been applied to participating interests designated as joint ventures, where the joint ventures in question are financial institutions. Other joint ventures have been included in the group financial statements as participating interests. The income from non-consolidated participating interests has been included under 'Income from securities and participating interests'. Assets and Liabilities Assets and liabilities are valued at nominal value, unless otherwise stated. Where appropriate, the value of the assets has been reduced accordingly. Reductions in value arising out of bad debts are generally specified per item. In accordance with Article VI of the 'Act dated March 17, 1993, concerning the provisions governing the financial statements prepared by banks' an additional write-down has been applied to the item 'Loans'. Any subsequent upward or downward revisions to this extra write-down will be accounted for under 'Value adjustments to receivables' in the income statement. Every effort will be made to ensure that the level of the extra write-down will closely reflect the associated risks. Any taxes connected with upward and downward revisions to the extra write-down will be routed via this item. The new procedure has been introduced to replace the system used prior to 1993, which involved the establishment of a provision for general contingencies. Participating interests Participating interests are valued at their intrinsic value on the basis of the valuation principles as applied by FGH BANK N.V. Interests in non- consolidated participating interests in excess of 20% are valued on the basis of their net asset value. Changes in the intrinsic value of participating interests are included with the income from the sale of participating interests under 'Income from securities and participating interests', insofar as such value changes affect the results obtained. Real Estate and Equipment Real Estate for own use: Office buildings in own use are valued at replacement value. The buildings in question are amortized on the basis of replacement value over their estimated economic life with allowance being made for a residual value. The change in value as a result of this new accounting policy has been taken to the revaluation reserve with allowance being made for deferred taxation. Real estate not for own use: - Properties earmarked for sale are valued at acquisition or development cost, less

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports FGH Bank | 1994 | | pagina 16