Company Balance Sheet Group Balance Sheet (NLG x 1.000) 1989 1989 Revaluation Depreciation for the year (1,555) 2,875 1,070 (70) (1,299) 4,703 2,748 (94) (31) (1,792) Book value at the end of the year 2,576 5,534 - Buildings - Office equipment 2,576 2,478 3,056 2,576 5,534 Total accumulated depreciation at the end of the year 9,193 12,554 The authorized capital amounts to NLG 525 million consisting of stock with a nominal valvue of NLG 10.00, comprising: NLG 125 million common stock NLG 200 million cumulative preferred stock A NLG 200 million cumulative preferred stock B NLG 35,795 million of the common stock, and NLG 135 million of the cumulative preferred stock A have been issued and paid up. Movements in the capital stock were as follows: - Authorized capital Position as per January 1 December 31 Common 125,000 Preferred 400,000 1989 525,000 - Capital issued and paid Position as per January 1 December 31 35,795 135,000 170,795 26 NOTES ACCOMPANYING THE GROUP AND COMPANY BALANCE SHEETS 1990 1990 BUILDINGS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT Book value at the beginning of the year Purchases and investments Sales 2,576 2,646 (28) 5,534 3,346 (478) (290) (1,923) 3,639 6,189 3,639 1,673 4,516 3,639 6,189 3,448 5,686 CAPITAL 1990 525,000 170,795

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports FGH Bank | 1990 | | pagina 28