(NLG x 1,000) 1986 1985 Real estate operated by the company Costs of purchase and construction 319,558 799,927 Depreciation provided (13,997) (18,211) 305,561 781,716 The total value of real estate operated, based on market value, amounts to 326,234 833,624 All real estate operated is intended for resale. Buildings and office equipment buildings equipment total total Book value at the beginning of the year 74,661 15,243 89,904 86,907 Purchases and investments 597 8,499 9,096 9,261 Sales (74) (679) (753) (633) Revaluation 237 237 793 Depreciation for the year (1,609) (5,254) (6,863) (6,424) Book value at the end of the year 73,812 17,809 91,621 89,904 Total accumulated revaluation at the end of the year 1,210 793 Total accumulated depreciation at the end of the year 16,731 12,348 Capital The authorized capital amounts to NLG 235 mil lion consisting of NLG 212.391 million in regis tered shares of common stock of NLG 10.00 nominal value and NLG 22.609 million in regis tered shares of cumulative preferred stock of NLG 1,000 nominal value. Of the common stock, NLG 25.118 million has been paid up. The cumulative preferred stock is fully paid. Notes to the Individual Consolidated Balance Sheet Items

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports FGH Bank | 1986 | | pagina 30