FGH celebrated its 90th anniversary in 1980, and this festive event was the cause for this annual report to include a number of illustrations deviating from the usual pattern. In this light we have chosen the initiative ‘Nooit gebouwd Nederland' (Holland never built), a collection of architectural designs made after 1850 that for whatever reasons have never been materialised. In consultation with Professor W. Crouwel, designer of‘our annual report, a selection has been made from the material available on the period from the establishment of our company up to the present, a selection which hopes to give an impression of the important movements in Dutch architecture in that period. We are indebted to Vorm kleur, graphic designers and Frank den Oudsten, who materialised ‘Nooit gebouwd Nederland'; the initiative of Cees de Jong of the above mentioned agency enabled us to use the designs. We are also grateful that rightful claimants of the designs have allowed us to print them in our annual report. The text accompanying the illustrations has been written by Frank den Oudsten, Wim de Wit and Dick van Woerkom. De Nederlandse uitgave van dit jaarverslag wordt U op aanvraag gaarne toegezonden. Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous faire parvenir sur simple demande la traduction frangaise du rapport annuel. Auf Anfrage sind wir gern bereit Ihnen deutsche Übersetzungen dieses Jahresberichtes zuzusenden.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports FGH Bank | 1980 | | pagina 4