Profit and loss account for 1979 Interest mortgage loans Interest securities, cash loans, etc. Commission and compensation for accelerated redemption Interest moneys raised Interest current accounts of affiliated banks Costs involved in moneys raised 426.341.000 5.000 5.992.000 1979 499.271.000 4.869.000 26.058.000 530.198.000 432.328.000 353.120.000 3.627.000 7.260.000 1978 419.509.000 4.904.000 37.576.000 461.989.000 364.007.000 97.870.000 97.982.000 General expenses 23.600.000 20.592.000 Depreciation 952.000 24.552.000 809.000 21.401.000 Operating results 73.318.000 76.581.000 Sundry gains and charges 352.000 Gross result 73.670.000 76.581.000 Gross result of participations 18.794.000 15.251.000 Profit balance before company income tax 92.464.000 91.832.000 Company income tax 40.558.000 37.715.000 Added to provision for general contingencies 10.500.000 51.058.000 10.352.000 48.067.000 Net group profit 41.406.000 43.765.000 Appropriation of profit (in conformity with Article 36 of the Articles of Association): Net group profit 41.406.000 43.765.000 Retained in participations 10.254.000 10.055.000 Profit available 31.152.000 33.710.000 Addition to open reserves 20.589.000 24.000.000 Distribution of profit 10.563.000 9.710.000 31.152.000 33.710.000

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports FGH Bank | 1979 | | pagina 54