Explanatory notes General principles of accounting and valuation The combined balance sheet and profit and loss account comprise the annual accounts of our majority interests both in real estate companies and in other diversifications. The general valuation standard for real estate in operation is: cost of acquisition or construction less annual depreciation. The depreciation is done on the basis of these costs, thereby taking into account the estimated useful life. As a result of the sale of the property, the difference between the proceed and the book value is accounted for. Except for some special projects, the result of the sale thus computed is credited to the replacement reserve. The tax debt burdening this replacement reserve is, just like the deferred tax liability resulting from valuation differences, accounted for under ‘provision for contingent tax obligations’. The computation is based on the cash value of future tax obligations. The real estate in course of development is valued at the costs, including interest, incurred for the relevant projects up to the moment of letting or sale. The interest is computed on the amount invested at the average interest rate for mortgage loans. The valuation per project does not exceed the market value of the property. The result of the sale is accounted for in the year in which a project is completed, or - in case the result of the sale is certain - in the year in which part of the project is completed. The other profits and losses are generally accounted for in the year to which they relate. As from the financial year 1974, a provision for maintenance is built up to which is added every year, to the debit of the profit and loss account, an amount per project computed on the basis of the costs and the frequency of the periodical maintenance, while the expenses made in a specific year are charged to this provision. The method followed implies that at any moment is calculated per real estate complex and per kind of maintenance which amount should be available in the provision. Apart from the normal yearly payments, in a few years such amounts will, to the debit of the profit and loss account, be added to the provision that it is supple mented to the required amount. An amount of f600,000.- was added on this score, to the debit of the profit and loss account for 1974. Apart from this, the influence of the change in method on the result for 1974 was small. As from the financial year 1974, a provision is made for the risk of un occupiedness in the development sector. The size of this provision is determined every year in proportion to the balance sheet value of the real estate in course of development. The corporation income tax included in the profit and loss account is computed on the balance of this account, thereby taking into account the exempted components of the profit. The securities positions are calculated at the market prices as at the balance sheet date or at the acquisition price, which ever is the lower. Receivables are valued at their nominal values less the provisions deemed necessary. The dividend of non-consolidated invest ments is accounted for in the year of distribution. 30

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports FGH Bank | 1974 | | pagina 32