Report and recommendations of the Supervisory Board TO THE SHAREHOLDERS The Supervisory Board has examined the report of the Managing Board and the financial statements for 2002, and approved them in accordance with the articles of association. These financial statements incorporate the consolidated financial statements, the company balance sheet and income statement. The Supervisory Board has considered the unqualified audit report issued hy KPMG Accountants N.V. We recommend that the financial statements presented in this annual report be adopted accordingly. The Supervisory Board met four times in the financial year 2002. In addition, the Supervisory Board kept in touch with business strategy and developments at FGH Bank N.V. via discussions and written reports. Subjects discussed in depth were strategy, major loan and investment transactions, the risk and risk-provisioning strategy, developments on the money and capital markets, the Regulation on Organisation and Control, and matters concerning staff. Topics relating to the provision of information were also thoroughly discussed. During the extraordinary meeting of shareholders on 21 February 2002, Mr G. Funke was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board. The existing members of the Supervisory Board are delighted to be joined by such a highly regarded and experienced colleague. On 31 December 2002, Mr C. Nolting stepped down from the board on account of the termination of his employment with HVB Group. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr Nolting for the commitment and dedication he has shown in his just over four years of service as a member of the Supervisory Board of FGH Bank. On 8 May 2002, Mr H. Copier resigned from the Managing Board of FGH Bank and his roles have been taken over by the two existing members of the Managing Board. We are very grateful to Mr Copier for the commitment that he has shown during his more than 23 years of service with FGH Bank. The trends in the balance sheet, financial position and profits for the year give cause for satisfaction, including in the light of market developments. The trend in the business cycle, which has also affected the real estate market, means that particular attention needs to be paid to the risks inherent in real estate finance in 2003. At this point we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the valuable contribution made by the Managing Board and the staff during the last financial year, and for the results achieved. Utrecht, 20 February 2003 The Supervisory Board E. Eisele, chairman L.C. Brinkman G. Funke J.B.M. Streppel

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Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 2002 | | pagina 8