accounting treatment on the result for 2002 is 0.9 million positive. (The effect on the result for 2001 would have been 0.3 million positive). The 2001 figures are adjusted accordingly. The cumulative effect of this change as at 1 January 2001 has been deducted from other reserves 6.2 million). LOANS Loans are valued at nominal value after deduction of value adjustments for bad and doubtful debts. Value adjustments to take account of uncollectable debts are generally determined for each separate item, taking account of the value of collateral provided. Any subsequent upward value adjustments and readjustments of downward value adjustments applied to the 'Loans' item are shown in the income statement under 'Value adjustments to receivables'. Interest and commission credited in respect of which there is doubt about their collectability are not recognized as income. This relates in particular to interest and commission not received and charged on loans to which a downward value adjustment has been applied. INTEREST-BEARING SECURITIES Interest-bearing securities forming part of the investment portfolio are stated at nominal value. SHORT-TERM GOVERNMENT PAPER AND SHARES Short-term government paper forming part of the investment portfolio is stated at face value as at the balance sheet date. Shares forming part of the investment portfolio are stated at acquisition cost. PARTICIPATING INTERESTS Participating interests in which FGH Bank N.V. or its subsidiary companies exercise a significant influence on commercial and financial policy are valued at net asset value, determined in accordance with the accounting policies applied by FGH Bank N.V. Other participating interests are also valued at net asset value. Changes to this value, if they relate to the results, are shown together with the results from the sale of participating interests, under 'Income from securities and participating interests'. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Property for own use: Office buildings in the company's own use are valued at replacement cost based on periodical valuation. External valuations are carried out every five years to determine their value. The buildings in question are depreciated on the basis of replacement value over their estimated useful life with allowance being made for residual value. The change in value as a result of this accounting policy is taken to the revaluation reserve with allowance being made for deferred taxation. Property not for own use: Properties held for sale are valued at acquisition or development costs, less depreciation or, if lower, at net realizable value. Properties to be kept as long-term investments are valued at net realizable value. Development properties are valued at the lower of construction cost and net realizable value. Equipment Equipment is valued at acquisition cost less depreciation; the latter is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life. TAXATION Deferred tax debits and credits arising from differences in the fiscal treatment of assets and liabilities are calculated at present value as at the balance sheet date. Net deferred tax assets are shown under 'Prepayments and accrued income'. Corporate taxes due are included under 'Other liabilities'. The calculation of the rate of tax is based on the 'Result before taxation' shown in the income statement, taking account of sums which are not deductible or where scope for deduction is limited.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 2002 | | pagina 20