Notes GENERAL FGH Bank N.V. is an associated company of HVB Real Estate Bank AG, which is part of Bayerische HypoVereinsbank AG, which is registered in Munich. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions laid down in Chapter 14 of Part 9, Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code, the Decree on the Annual Accounts of Banks, the Annual Accounts Formats Decree, and relevant recommendations by De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. The company's financial statements are incorporated in the published financial statements of FTVB Real Estate Bank AG, Munich. A copy of these financial statements is available at the company's registered office. All figures are expressed in thousands of euros, unless otherwise stated. BASIS FOR THE RECOGNITION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS IN THE BALANCE SHEET A financial instrument is accounted for as an asset or liability from the time the respective contractual rights or obligations relating to the financial instrument accrue to the company. Whenever this ceases to be the case, a financial instrument is no longer recognized in the balance sheet. If FGH Bank N.V. has the right, on the grounds of statutory or contractual provisions, and the intention to settle these financial assets and liabilities net or simultaneously, they are netted off in the balance sheet. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION The group financial statements include the figures for FGH Bank N.V., its subsidiaries and associated companies, but do not include the results of those companies which together only make a very minor contribution to the overall result, nor do they include the results of those companies the interests in which are only held with a view to disposal. Participating interests regarded as joint ventures have been consolidated on a pro rata basis, where the joint ventures in question are financial institutions. Other joint ventures have been included in the group financial statements as participating interests. The income from non-consolidated participating interests has been included under 'Income from securities and participating interests'. VALUATION AND DETERMINATION OF RESULTS GENERAL Except where otherwise stated, assets and liabilities are recorded at nominal value, less any reduction in value deemed necessary. In general, these reductions in value are determined by item. Premiums and discounts are included in prepayments and accrued income or accruals and deferred income, respectively, and are attributed to accounting periods based upon the residual term of the items concerned. The effects of transactions and other events are recognized when they occur; income and expenses are recognized in the financial year to which they relate. In general, commission income and expense resulting from lending and borrowing operations is shown in the income statement of the year in which the funds were lent or borrowed, respectively. Commission that is similar in nature to interest is shown in the income statement during the term of the item in question. Other revenue is shown in the year of receipt. Where financial instruments are used to hedge the risks associated with particular assets or liabilities, valuation and determination of the results on these instruments are carried out in accordance with the policies that apply to the hedged items. Transactions are regarded as hedging transactions if they have been categorized as such and there is a substantial correlation between the hedging results and the results on the positions being hedged. Gains or losses on the early termination of a hedge are recognized as assets or liabilities and amortized over the residual terms of the hedged positions. Where financial instruments are used to hedge the risks associated with particular assets or liabilities and the hedged assets or liabilities are sold or terminated, such financial instruments will no longer qualify as hedges. Results on the settlement of a hedge are accounted for in the same period as gains or losses on the settlement of the hedged position. CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING POLICY Up to and including 31 December 2001, commission that is similar in nature to interest was shown in the year of receipt. In anticipation of the IAS regulations that will take effect as from the beginning of 2005, commission that is similar in nature to interest is now being shown in the income statement during the term of the item in question with effect from 1 January 2002. The effect of this

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 2002 | | pagina 19