Company Income Statement for 2002 (x€ 1,000) HVZSiijFJH 2001 INCOME Interest income 260,693 270,371 Interest expense 185,271 198,953 Interest 75,422 71,418 Income from securities and participating interests (142) (287) Commission income 1,005 521 Commission expense 780 269 Commission 225 252 Other revenue 717 515 Other income 800 480 Total income 76,222 71,898 EXPENSES Personnel and other administrative expenses: personnel costs 12,484 12,831 other administrative expenses 5,240 5,040 17,724 17,871 Depreciation 849 766 Other operating expenses 1,669 588 Operating expenses 20,242 19,225 Value adjustments to receivables 336 9,147 Total expenses 20,578 28,372 Results before taxation 55,644 43,526 Taxation (17,067) (14,112) Net profit 38,577 29,414

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 2002 | | pagina 15