CHANGES IN THE FUNDING PORTFOLIO The funding portfolio declined by 109 million in 2002. Funds raised on the capital market declined by 67 million, being the balance of 120 million of new borrowings and €187 million of repayments, while the volume of money market borrowings fell by 42 million on a net basis. Interest rate swaps representing a notional amount of €435 million were concluded during 2002 for the purposes of interest rate management. RISK MANAGEMENT A key objective of FGH Bank is to achieve an acceptable risk profile for its core business. The bank's policy is therefore geared to ensuring that there is careful monitoring and control of risks on an ongoing basis. Risk management consists of a package of effective control measures and a number of reporting systems. These include monitoring of compliance with procedures and reliable management information systems. The bank's policy and systems are constantly being adjusted to reflect changes in conditions and to meet the requirements and objectives of the supervisory authorities. CREDIT RISK POLICY The key objective of FGH Bank's credit risk policy is to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio and to prevent an inappropriate concentration of credit risk. Risks are controlled by strict application of the bank's credit risk policy by the credit committee, and by granting credit approval authority to various levels within the organisation. REAL ESTATE MARKET RISKS The financing of real estate projects entails exposure to market risks. In summary, these risks are that changes in external market conditions will have an adverse effect on the letting and sale of properties, with the resulting risk of lower proceeds for the owners of these properties. The Valuation Research Department of FGH Bank monitors developments in market conditions closely, making use of detailed data files containing information about letting transactions, changes in supply and plans for new developments in the commercial real estate market. In addition, the department is currently working on a new model, which will simulate forecast trends. Regular internal and external reports are produced on market trends, including the annual FGH Real Estate Report, in which the bank examines trends in the various sectors of the real estate market and also outlines its views on current market conditions and makes short-term forecasts. BALANCE SHEET MANAGEMENT The bank's Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) is responsible for managing the balance sheet. ALCO draws up guidelines for the management of interest rate, market and liquidity risks and monitors compliance with these guidelines. Interest rate risk and the effect of fluctuations in market interest rates are measured using a number of methods, including value-at-risk analysis, gap analysis and duration analysis, which together provide a good picture of the bank's interest rate risk. CURRENCY RISKS The bank's policy is not to take positions. OPERATIONAL RISKS Operational risks are minimized by a system of internal controls that includes procedures and process descriptions. Such risks include losses resulting from the malfunction of management information systems, inadequate transaction processing or settlement, and fraudulent and/or unauthorized acts by members of staff or third parties. LEGAL RISKS FGH Bank seeks to minimize legal risks by using standard agreements. The bank aims to prevent the risk of claims by customers by maintaining a high-quality service and this is achieved by measures such as proper training of its staff and by regular reviews of its documentation by in-house and external legal and fiscal experts. COMPLIANCE The bank has implemented various compliance procedures, one of the purposes of which is to implement legislation and regulations aimed at protecting the bank's integrity. This legislation includes the Disclosure of Unusual Transactions (Financial Services! Act [Wet Melding Ongebruikelijke Transacties] and the Identification (Financial Services) Act [Wet Identificatie Dienstverlening], During the year under review, the bank also dedicated considerable resources to implementing new regulations, such as the Regulation on Organisation and Control issued by De Nederlandsche Bank, and the regulations on insider trading. PERSONNEL AND ORGANISATION During the year under review, the total number of employees fell from 176 (full-time equivalents 169,2) at the end of 2001 to 160 (full-time equivalents 151,2) at the end of 2002. This decline is partly attributable to improvements in efficiency realized during the preceding two years. The promotion of staff involvement in FGH Bank and of the quality of its staff remains a key priority for the bank. One of the results of the change in the Working Conditions Service has been more rapid and effective control of absenteeism, which has been assisted by measures such as the introduction of the Gatekeeper Act [Wet Poortwachter]. As a result, absenteeism fell sharply in 2002.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 2002 | | pagina 11