Real estate companies and other diversifications Mortgages raised and loans 1984 1983 (x Dfl 1,000) Mortgages raised Friesch- Groningsche Hypotheekbank N.V. 125,301 232,666 Other mortgages raised 55,811 49,738 Private loans 326,236 507,348 239,065 521,469 As at December 31 st the average interest amounted to In 1985 an amount of Dfl 9.4 million is to be repaid on the above-mentioned debts. Payables and accrued expenses 11.0% 10.4% Payables with respect to current security transactions 131,073 101,889 Creditors 132,956 130,568 Taxes 8,389 2,520 Equalization account WIR 46,730 37,410 Accrued expenses Liabilities not accounted for in the balance sheet 64,137 383,285 88,216 360,603 Current liabilities with respect to development projects 51,525 80,473 Guarantees issued by Gemeen- schappelijk Eigendom B.V. 39,602 38,938 49

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 1984 | | pagina 51