Consolidated profit and loss account for 1984 Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank and affiliated banks 1984 1983 (x Dfl 1,000) Interest received Commission and compensation for accelerated redemption 616,406 18,290 620,149 28,740 Interest paid Added to provision for currency differences Fund raising expenses 526,128 2,402 7,349 634,696 544,523 4,277 648,889 535,879 548,800 General expenses Depreciation 39,272 1,321 98,817 38,861 999 100,089 40,593 39,860 Operating result Sundry gains and charges 58,224 4,084 60,229 3,465 Gross result Gross result participations 62,308 5,292 63,694 (309) Gross group result Added to provision for general contingencies Corporate tax 60,000 2,485 67,600 60,000 1,963 63,385 62,485 61,963 Net group result 5,115 1,422 Appropriation of result (in conformity with Article 36 of the Articles of Association): Added to open reserves 5,115 1,422 30

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 1984 | | pagina 32