Meanwhile, the necessary adjustments to be made in our administrative organization resulting from this, have been started. Further progress was made in our efforts to improve internal communication and cooperation between divisions. We feel that we have been able to achieve a better, more individual approach to problems through performance talks, and illness-related absence guidance policies. The number of employees in the financing and real estate operations dropped from 372 to 336, of which 13 employees are employed on a temporary basis. As of December 31,1984, there were 974 (1983: 1,021) people employed by the entire group. This year again a large number of subjects were discussed in an open and constructive atmosphere with the employees council. Financial report and operating results We would like to report the following concerning the financial results of 1984: The group The gross group result achieved over the financial year 1984 was Dfl 67.6 million. This amount is composed as follows: (x Dfl 1 million) 1984 1983 FGH and affiliated banks Real estate company and 62.3 63.7 other diversifications 5.3 (0.3) 67.6 63.4 Net group result: Gross group result 67.6 63.4 Addition to the provision for general contingencies 60.0 60.0 Corporate tax 2J> 2.0 62.5 62.0 Net group result 5.1 14 These figures show that the results achieved by financing operations over 1984 hardly deviate from those of 1983. The real estate company and other diversifications increased their results by Dfl 5.6 million, to a profit of Dfl 5.3 million. Taking into account a slightly higher amount in corporate tax, on balance, the net result rose from Dfl 1.4 million in 1983 to Dfl 5.1 million in the year under review. Financial operations During the past financial year the mortgage portfolio (in the Netherlands and abroad) declined by 157 million, to Dfl 5,018 million. This decline may be primarily attributed to our operations abroad where redemptions and repayment of a number of large items has led to a - it is to be expected - temporary shrinking of the loan portfolio. N< on in 01 ar dv re 22

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 1984 | | pagina 24