Report of the Supervisory Board Having fulfilled our supervisory role and using the information provided by Van Dien+Co., auditors, who have reported on their audit and issued their statement of approval, this Board has been able to draw up the financial statements of 1984. Included in these financial statements are the consolidated financial statement of the financing business, the combined financial statements of the real estate companies and other diversifications and the accompanying explanatory notes, as shown on pages 30 and following of this annual report. We recommend that you approve the financial statements as presented in this annual report. In the course of the year under review Mr. A.W.J. Caron retired, as was mentioned would occur in the annual report of last year. Mr. A.G. van den Bos and Mr. J.C. Smit were reappointed as members of the Board. As of May 15,1985, the date of the annual general meeting of shareholders both Mr. J. de Wilde, chairman of the Board, and Mr. P.M.H. van Boven will resign due to the fact that both will have reached the statutory age limit set for Board membership. In connection with this we have decided to set the number of Supervisory Board members at six. Mr. J.C. Smit will act as chairman. We moreover intend to appoint Mr. L. van Dongen as member of the Board. The Employees Council was consulted about this appointment, and raised no objections. We would like to express our regrets at the retirement of Mr. G.J. Jansen, member of the Managing Board who, after 48 years of employment, left our company at the end of the year under review. We would like to thank him for the way he, for so long, devoted so much time and knowledge to our company. As of May 16,1984, Mr. W.A.J.M. van der Heijden was appointed his successor. In conclusion we would also like to express our appreciation for the way in which Managing Board and employees have carried out their tasks during the past year. Utrecht, March 25,1985 The Supervisory Board J. de Wilde, Chairman. To the shareholders 15

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Jaarverslagen Friesch-Groningsche Hypotheekbank / FGH Bank | 1984 | | pagina 17